End of an era

So – it’s over.  At 2:45 this afternoon, Jake finished high school.

He left this morning with camera in tow insisting there would be pictures.  I tried all day to text chat him wondering how the day went.  He never responded.  I figured he was mad at me because I reinforced the idea that he ask this girl he has an insane crush on to the movies.  What could he lose?

Finally at 3:00, fifteen minutes after the moment came and went, I called him.

I found out the reason he didn’t text was that his phone was close to dead (and we’re talking on it???) and it was a busy day.  Day went well.  There were some tear inducing moments.  He took 30 pictures.  The school paper misspelled his name and has him going to the wrong college.

And the girl?  Just as he worked the nerve to ask her the alarm went off for a fire drill.  (How sad!)  He thinks he might text her later.

Then he asked if he could hang up and get back to his basketball game.

The ceremony is tomorrow night.  I think it will be a recap of his day…take a few pictures.  Probably a few things misspelled (hopefully not the diploma!).  Maybe a date with the crush girl (not at the ceremony of course).  And a few tear inducing moments (especially for Mama).

Back from the Land of the Dead

I am happy to say I’m back from the dead.  Or at least it felt like I had died.  At least a dozen times.

A week ago yesterday I started the day stressed – alot of drama over The Beast (Jake’s car).  I was pretty much angry at everyone.  But noon, my skin on my neck and scalp started to tingle.  Then it started to burn.  It wasn’t just any burn.  It felt like a legion of fire ants marching under my skin x 10.  The muscles in my neck started to ache.  Then, as I tried to eat my lunch it took two swallows to get my yogurt down.

Thinking I was having an allergic reaction to something (even though I’m not allergic to anything), I made an immediate appointment to see my doctor.  By the time I got to the doctor I could add dizzy to the list of symptoms.  Fortunately it wasn’t an allergic reaction.

It was shingles.

I wouldn’t wish shingles on my worst enemy.

I was given three prescriptions – an antibiotic, meds for chicken pox (which shingles are but the adult version), and prednisone.  I nearly passed out at the store as I waited at the pharmacy for over an hour to get my medication.  Then it was home and off to bed…or at least as close to off to bed as a wife and mother of three gets.  I attempted to go to work the next day and was sent promptly home partially due to fear of catching what I had (I wasn’t contagious) – and partially because I looked something close to death warmed over.

At it’s worst I fought with chills and fever all at the same time.  My muscles ached.  I was constantly tired.  It took three days before I could swallow normal.  And until just a day or two ago it felt as if a low level electric current was running through my muscles.

 My family, who were  some of the causes of my stress, have been angels.  They’ve cooked, they’ve cleaned, they’ve given extra hugs and kisses and cuddles (even when it hurt to cuddle – but it’s the thought that counts!).  The hubby has gotten the car for me, taken chairs to track meets so I can rest and kept the house in line.  He’s been the best.

I still have muscle aches and am unnormally tired.  But it’s nice to feel alive again. 🙂

To my family – my Mother’s Day Wish List

This post is to my famly – to my husband and children who always ask me what I want for Mother’s Day and to whom I always answer “Nothing.  Just to spend the day with you”.

This year…there is a list!  This year I would like one/all of the following…

I am happy with an Kindle.  I don’t need a IPad.  And children – do not pick this one with the idea you can borrow it.  You won’t be. It’s Mine!  Mine!Mine!Mine! 

I miss my IPod in the car.  I love my playlists.  And you can’t find my eclectic combination of Trans Siberian Orchestra/Blondie/Rihanna/Nine Inch Nails altogether on one radio station.

I have five books on my “must buy in the next month” list.  I appreciate a discount.

Of course I will always take my weight in

I will appreciate any gift you give me from a hug to a macaroni necklace.  But in case you would like a hint…


Girls Night!

Last night the boys were at a track meet (new personal bests for both!!  Jake threw 129’2″ and Jon shave his 400 low hurdle by a second to a new time of 1:12 – very happy proud mom here!) and Brian had to work.  It left Sissy and I to our own devices.

First we dutifully went to track practice.  I felt bad I had to drag her along.  But then I realized that she has come to love practice.  She was very excited to go.  She even asked that she starts practice throwing the eight pound shot since it makes the six pound shot feel lighter.  That’s my he-girl!

Then…we snuck off to Parlor City for ice cream and funnel cakes to celebrate a great practice, the brosephs (Alex’s term for her brothers) new PRs and well…girls night!

Then we went home to continue the celebration with bowls of maccaroni and cheese, some WWE (yes, we girls love WWE) and a few rounds of…

She beat me twice.  I now understand why her brothers won’t play her anymore.  Chutes and Ladders shark is what she is.

We were glad to see the guys when they got home.  But it was nice to have a night just my girl and me.

Coming to a Conclusion

Being a fledging author (along with mom/wife/employee/coach/etc, etc, etc) I’ve been studying the trends that work for other top selling authors.  The two trends I have been noticing for indie authors like me?  One is podcasts.  Right now with the end of the high school track season – and of course more than that the impending graduation at the end of next month – beginning podcasting isn’t a great idea.  Table that idea for summer…maybe the end of club season.

The other trend I have noticed?  Blogging portions of the novel for others to read as I have already done with Woodcutter.  I was sold on this idea with Woodcutter so…I am going to do it again!

On the other blog I have, http://insidethiswritersmind.wordpress.com/, I am going to post my new novel as a serial novel.  I hope all my friends who visit this blog will stop by and take a gander at my new story!

After making coffee with my espresso maker for two days I got a surprise – a call from my hubby who was standing in Target looking over coffee makers.

After debating which was the best one he bought me a brand new Mr. Coffee coffee maker!  It’s programmable, it’s beautiful and, after making my first pot this morning, it makes delicious coffee.

I have the best guy ever…and I am so spoiled!

Something new to my blog

So…I changed the name to my blog.  I figured the new name encompassed my life as a mom/wife/fledging author/worker bee/mean coach than SuperMom did.  And I like the phrase “Herding Cats”.  Having two cats, Truffles and Dante, as members of my family I certainly understand the concept.  And the mental thought makes me giggle.



I’m still recovering from a long, busy weekend that all started with my Author’s Event…and Dress 2.0 (which I stayed up until 2:00 am to finish).


For not selling a single book it was the most successful event I’ve had. 


After a brief chat with the only person I talked to we’ve decided to market the book in an entirely different direction.  I’ve started the research…I’m really excited.


(Awesome display!)


So onto the next leg of this adventure…