End of an era

So – it’s over.  At 2:45 this afternoon, Jake finished high school.

He left this morning with camera in tow insisting there would be pictures.  I tried all day to text chat him wondering how the day went.  He never responded.  I figured he was mad at me because I reinforced the idea that he ask this girl he has an insane crush on to the movies.  What could he lose?

Finally at 3:00, fifteen minutes after the moment came and went, I called him.

I found out the reason he didn’t text was that his phone was close to dead (and we’re talking on it???) and it was a busy day.  Day went well.  There were some tear inducing moments.  He took 30 pictures.  The school paper misspelled his name and has him going to the wrong college.

And the girl?  Just as he worked the nerve to ask her the alarm went off for a fire drill.  (How sad!)  He thinks he might text her later.

Then he asked if he could hang up and get back to his basketball game.

The ceremony is tomorrow night.  I think it will be a recap of his day…take a few pictures.  Probably a few things misspelled (hopefully not the diploma!).  Maybe a date with the crush girl (not at the ceremony of course).  And a few tear inducing moments (especially for Mama).

Back from the Land of the Dead

I am happy to say I’m back from the dead.  Or at least it felt like I had died.  At least a dozen times.

A week ago yesterday I started the day stressed – alot of drama over The Beast (Jake’s car).  I was pretty much angry at everyone.  But noon, my skin on my neck and scalp started to tingle.  Then it started to burn.  It wasn’t just any burn.  It felt like a legion of fire ants marching under my skin x 10.  The muscles in my neck started to ache.  Then, as I tried to eat my lunch it took two swallows to get my yogurt down.

Thinking I was having an allergic reaction to something (even though I’m not allergic to anything), I made an immediate appointment to see my doctor.  By the time I got to the doctor I could add dizzy to the list of symptoms.  Fortunately it wasn’t an allergic reaction.

It was shingles.

I wouldn’t wish shingles on my worst enemy.

I was given three prescriptions – an antibiotic, meds for chicken pox (which shingles are but the adult version), and prednisone.  I nearly passed out at the store as I waited at the pharmacy for over an hour to get my medication.  Then it was home and off to bed…or at least as close to off to bed as a wife and mother of three gets.  I attempted to go to work the next day and was sent promptly home partially due to fear of catching what I had (I wasn’t contagious) – and partially because I looked something close to death warmed over.

At it’s worst I fought with chills and fever all at the same time.  My muscles ached.  I was constantly tired.  It took three days before I could swallow normal.  And until just a day or two ago it felt as if a low level electric current was running through my muscles.

 My family, who were  some of the causes of my stress, have been angels.  They’ve cooked, they’ve cleaned, they’ve given extra hugs and kisses and cuddles (even when it hurt to cuddle – but it’s the thought that counts!).  The hubby has gotten the car for me, taken chairs to track meets so I can rest and kept the house in line.  He’s been the best.

I still have muscle aches and am unnormally tired.  But it’s nice to feel alive again. 🙂

Coming to a Conclusion

Being a fledging author (along with mom/wife/employee/coach/etc, etc, etc) I’ve been studying the trends that work for other top selling authors.  The two trends I have been noticing for indie authors like me?  One is podcasts.  Right now with the end of the high school track season – and of course more than that the impending graduation at the end of next month – beginning podcasting isn’t a great idea.  Table that idea for summer…maybe the end of club season.

The other trend I have noticed?  Blogging portions of the novel for others to read as I have already done with Woodcutter.  I was sold on this idea with Woodcutter so…I am going to do it again!

On the other blog I have, http://insidethiswritersmind.wordpress.com/, I am going to post my new novel as a serial novel.  I hope all my friends who visit this blog will stop by and take a gander at my new story!

A Busy Day in Our House

It’s Saturday and I’m up and sitting in a gymnasium.  Alex is back in volleyball and happy as a lark.
Brian and the boys are…guess where??…at a track meet.  Jake throws.  Brian and Jon are helping since it’s our school’s meet.
Then it’s time for our walk.  I am wearing my “Senior Mom” football t-shirt since our throwing t-shirts haven’t arrived (that was a fiasco! ).  At noon we walk across the track for Senior Day.
Along with the day job, publishing my books, track and field, MORE track and field and just being a mom I’m trying to remember to get graduation things done.  It’s not been easy.  Fortunately the surly 18 year old keeps reminding me.  Good thing too…

Easter 2012 Recap

So Easter has come and gone in our in our house.  And like normal it was chaos.
We woke up at 5:45 am for sunrise service…to find out that the dress we bought for Alex didn’t fit.  I hate it when stores are open on holidays but I was certainly thankful for Walmart.  We found one that was a little big instead of too little.
We missed sunrise service but made it for breakfast (of course!) and then second service.  And then brunch.  And being WAY too full a nap.
My car got an unconventional bath –


courtesy of the daughter, niece, nephew and there new bubble guns.
And I got myself an awesome Easter gift…


I love my hair so much better short but it was a little shock to the hubby who was working when I did it.
All in all not a bad weekend.  This weekend it’s Senior Day for the high school track and field team.  Time for another trip down the track with Jake – we’ve already done one for football.  Hopefully it doesn’t rain.